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The Great War For Civilisation

Gerald F. Pearce WWI Medal #1Gerald Pearce WWI Medal - Reverse

Gerald F. Pearce was one of the two grandfathers I never met. He was in WWI, but not in the European trenches. Instead, Gerald Senior was in the Middle East. 90 years ago today, the Great War ended. My grandfather was in Baghdad, Iraq. Here’s what the main drag looked like on November 11, 1918:

Baghdad: November 11, 1918

The First World War was supposed to End All Wars. Instead, it ushered in an era of violence without precedent in human history. My grandfather picked up a weapon to “fight for democracy.” I’ve chosenĀ  to devote my life to working for peace.

Gerald Pearce WWI Medal #2Gerald Pearce WWI Medal #2 Reverse

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