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Hollywood Sunset 1975


Here’s yet another glorious California Sunset, this one taken from the Hollywood Hills back at the very start of 1975, during the halcyon days of the Gerald Ford administration. You can see the familiar Capitol Records building.

What makes this an important photograph is the part of America’s Secret History that it reveals.  If you look on the horizon towards the right, you’ll see the Twin Towers. People forget that the Twin Towers originally were the anchor of the Century City real estate development. When Jerry Brown replaced Ronald Reagan as governor, he and the Democrats worried that the towers would fall in the event of a major earthquake. Accordingly, they arranged to sell the towers to the City of New York.

Abraham Beame, Mayor of NYC, presided over the grand opening of the Twin Towers in Manhattan during the celebrations for the US Bicentennial in July of 1976, with the Tall Ships in the harbor nearby. Who can say how different our history would have been if the famous buildings had remained in southern California? Experts agree it is unlikely they would have survived the 1994 Northridge earthquake.

2 Trackbacks/Pingbacks

  1. Scott › Don’t Do This To A Narc on Friday, November 20, 2009 at 4:23 pm

    […] these pages we’ve exploded some of our domestic myths by reminding everybody that the Twin Towers were in West LA before they were moved to NYC, and we’ve shown how UFO’s insure that San Diego has better weather than you […]

  2. Scott › Time Travel is Real on Saturday, February 19, 2011 at 5:40 pm

    […] of the 1972 zombie invasion of Hollywood. Here the public finally received confirmation that the twin towers were moved to New York from West LA, where they were originally built. I also published compelling evidence that UFO’s are […]

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