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Category Archives: Modest Interest

Where’s Snoopy?

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Explosion of Color

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Are You Kidding Me?

Right now it is One Hundred Thirteen Degrees on my patio in San Diego, a mile or two inland from the Pacific Ocean. Isn’t that a little warm for October in San Diego? We’re supposed to have America’s Finest Weather. Share on Facebook

Creativity and Science

Ambitious minds have to struggle for room in a world full of conformists. This is something I have experienced over and over again in life. Lately I have been thinking about the past a little bit more than usual. Reading Amy Kaufman Burk’s fine book about Hollywood High got me meditating about my own experiences. […]

Modest Mid-Summer Musings

  It is wonderful to have a little time off from deadlines and job duties. Here’s a chance to observe the world a bit more quietly, maybe even think slightly beyond the next few items on the to-do list. Palm trees get their beards shaved off every summer in Ocean Beach. The dry old fronds are […]

Justice: Winning at Trial

The road to justice isn’t always easy. We all know that. We also know that the road to our office each morning can be treacherous. Late last summer I was cited by the California Highway Patrol for an alleged violation of Section 23123 of the California Vehicle Code. The officer claimed that I used my cell phone […]

Too Hot in Carmel Valley

This might be a good day for writing Christmas songs…     Share on Facebook

New Year’s Rainbow

San Diego has America’s Finest Weather. Here’s the latest evidence: a spectacular rainbow to help 2013 start off in style. For no extra charge, here’s a closeup. Share on Facebook

Summer Reading Choices

Placerville is a town in the hills east of Sacramento. It used to be called “Hangtown” because of the harsh way the locals dealt with various miscreants – and that was the cleaned-up name! Before that it was called “Blood and Guts.” It kind of makes you nostalgic for the romantic days of the Old […]

Reiki Appliance Repair

What is Reiki? The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words – Rei which means “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power” and Ki which is “life force energy.” So Reiki is actually “spiritually guided life force energy.” This approach to healing is gaining acceptance beyond Asia. According to the erudite authorities at Dummies.Com, Reiki can […]

Nesting Hummingbird

Magic is all around if you take the time to look for it. This hummingbird hen is diligent, persistent – and cautious. Yet I am patient. It took a long time to get a chance to take this picture. The bird was not interested in posing for pictures and she did not want me anywhere […]

Intergalactic Cruise

Why don’t you write as much as you used to? A number of people have asked about this; we can put to one side the fact that this number is remarkably small. No, I was not subject to “extraordinary rendition” for questioning the Official Truth and Glory of our Nation, nor was I away at […]

Completely Spaced Out

Are you getting older and more annoying? (Hint – if you’re not dead, the answer’s probably ‘yes.’) Do you need a quick test to find out if other people are going to be able to tell? Even if you color your hair and “get work done” you’re still not going to be able to hide. […]

Mark Twain & Joan of Arc

About a year ago, I got a first-edition Sony ebook reader, and it has been a regular bedside companion every since. Unlike many of my friends, I don’t miss carrying around physical volumes. I’ve read many thousands of electronic book pages on this gadget and I expect to carry on indefinitely. You don’t need an […]

Sixth Grade Humor

You can learn a lot about a society from its humor. Here is a joke that’s making its way around the local fancy rich-kid elementary schools of suburban North County San Diego: “What’s the difference between Tiger Woods and Santa?  Answer: Santa limits himself to three ho’s.” I should mention that this is one of […]